
Natal Astrology Reading 

$100 per hour

 This consultation produces a chart that shows each of the planets locations in the sky the moment you were born.  This information is used as a map to guide the individual; to provide helpful insight into understanding  ones personality, to deconstruct reoccurring patterns in the life, and bring awareness to how the planets in their current rotation are influencing your life today. 

This consultation can also be done in tandem with another person, such as a partner or family member.  Please note an added fee of $50 for the additional chart, and to expect an hour and a half to 2 hours for a reading involving two charts.


$40 add on/ $100 per hour (stand alone)

Find where the absolute best place for you to live, vacation, work, or avoid entirely.  This is a fun service to add to your initial consult.

Note:  Consults of individuals who are unaware of the reading will not be done.  In the case of newborns or very young children, a simplified reading of ascendant, moon, sun placement, as well as a very general sense of personal planets is permitted.  Forcasting of possible future outcomes of the child's life is not.  Charts involving pets are always welcome and super fun.

Solar return Reading

$100 per hour

Each year the sun returns to the exact degree it was on the day you were born; your solar return.  Although often it is, your solar return isn't always on your birthday.  This consultation produces a chart that reveals what themes will be most prominent in your life for the coming year.  This reading is often very different from your natal chart.

An inversion Reading

$100 per hour

Have you ever wondered how you appear from your significant other's point of view?  Your child's?  Your boss or your employees? 

This reading is fun to see how

others see you, and often takes

less than an hour.

Did you Know?  the business you own, the home you recently purchased, your wedding day all have astrological charts?  If you have the date, location, and time the event began, I can provide a consultation. 

                   Please Remember...

there are no "bad" signs and no "better" signs.  Each zodiac sign has a balance of strengths and weaknesses.  Its how we use the tools given to us that matters. 
A tool used properly, comes first from understanding what that tool is. 

Gemini in the tenth's Philosophy:  Astrology is not fortune telling. 

 Just as you have visited my website of your own free will, you can execute your future in the same fashion.  I may provide an interpretation, or advise caution in a certain area, or give a big thumbs up to a favored idea, yet this in no way leaves me liable for choices made by the individual. 

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