Why Gemini in the Tenth?
Although I have a cancer sun, I used to wonder why I resonated so much with the descriptions of other signs, especially Gemini. Through the study of astrology, I learned that each zodiac sign has a part to play in all of our lives. There are no "good" or "bad" signs, and our nativity, or birth chart, is a unique expression of those signs, along with the planets.
The sign
of Gemini is
in my tenth house, the area of my nativity that holds the space for my career. Accommodating a variety of interests is very important for a Gemini in the tenth house. I am a hair stylist, an avid inline skater, and an astrologer. When I have something
to turn to, I do those things I love
even better.
This is my strength.
You too have different zodiac signs in places that influence the various areas of your life. In addition to those signs, you have each planet that flavors those areas as well. My goal is to guide my clients through their nativity with knowledge, empathy, and integrity.
How can I help you harness your strengths?
"to stay interested in tennis, I have to mix it up with other Things."
-Venus Williams, has gemini in her tenth house.